Sunday, June 12, 2011

Recording Update: "Get A Snack"

Everybody, everybody: DRUMS ARE DONE! It's up to the editor's hands now. Let's break down what you're going to hear...5 or 6: Sessions over a month and a half, 5: average FULL takes per song (probably drove pippy and Zach crazy), 4: broken sticks, 1: shredded stick that still is playable, countless times: Zach made me stop because he didn't have the click track on or a recording track wasn't armed ETC.

Recording this time around has been a lot of fun. We have a song called "...Collector" that has been in our cannon, laying dormant, for about 3 years recently Zach had changed a few things around and brought it to us...much to my chagrin, we played it live a few times and it just has never gelled. Now it's gooey...much to my chagrin...again. But this version is really new and we never spent a whole lot of time on it. I didn't know what was going on. I was flying partially blind what with Zach signaling me for the changes however I believe the crescendo to the song is all the better for it. at the end I was playing so hard it almost sounds like we're bringing on a small Apocalypse.

Since drums are done, we've been working solidly on Pippy's bass. and he's been rocking it. I don't know if it's already been said but the sound that Zach and I have given him is really, really great. I won't give away our secrets but it's pretty cool. Pip only has 3 songs left to record..unless Zach decides he wants pippy to redo others...which might just be likely. Should that happen, I'm pretty sure Pippy will put Zach in a world of hurt when it comes to recording guitars.

Hopefully we'll get some pics and all so you can see the progress instead of just reading it.

We're getting closer, guys.

oh and don't forget: We have a show at Cheers 2U on July 8th. LET'S CELIBATE AMERICA!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I feel like you have a right to know:

I'm doing a lot mixing and test recording in my underwear, so if you're listening to this album and parts of it seem remarkably sexier than others, you'll know why. wink.

Zach out.