RE: The Raygun

In the Beginning, there was...

...a bunch of bands not known as the Raygun. And some of them were totally rad, and some of them huffed dong. Lots of bands in both columns are still around today, and lots aren't, we're getting off track here.

Jono and Zach

Jono and Zach were in high school together and eventually got together to play in a band their junior year. They played together for a long time, and then stopped for some reason. Jono went off and did a whole bunch of side projects and learned a bunch about music that made him like really indie and folksy stuff.    

Zach went on his way and joined a couple of other bands and got really into metalcore for a while. There was a time when you couldn't talk to the guy without him roping you into some nonsense about breakdowns. He used to use the word "metal" to describe things he liked. Everyone was very worried about him.   

Eventually, though, Jono and Zach started playing music together after one of the bands Zach was in imploded. It was just the two of the for a little while, and it was definitely something exciting.

...and Jono and Zach

Zach was at Guitar Center one day—one random, fateful day—just looking around various noisemaking devices, when he happened to notice Pippy trying out bass pedals. Somehow Zach got up the nerve to talk to a stranger, and asked Pip to try out for one of Zach's soon-to-be-imploded bands. He did. Some experts say that the extra gravity that Pip brought to his first practice is what made the band implode, like a red giant.

It didn't matter. Just a couple weeks after Jono and Zach started playing together again, Zach called Pippy up and the hit machine roared to life.

The Raygun
...and the law

The Raygun has had the cops called on them six times and counting for noise violations. Things are looking up, however, since the last visit was not accompanied by threats or citations—instead, it ended in high-fiving.