Thursday, March 24, 2011

This one covers covers.

I've been asked why I lobby for the covers I choose to. I don't suggest all of the covers for the band, but a lot of times, the covers I do pick are pretty far out of our genre (whatever that is). The thing is, if there's, say, a pop song I like, it's not really strictly about the song. At a certain point, sometimes as quickly as the second listen-through, I start to hear the song not as it is, but as it could be. Eventually I reach a point where I'm barely hearing the song as it was recorded—I'm hearing it as I would record it. When we decide to do a cover for a song that's out-of-format, that idea of what it should sound like is then filtered through the realm of what's actually possible with a three piece band in a live situation, and there you have it.

Like with Tik Tok, the verses are way dumb, but the parts where she actually starts singing, there's some meat there. Not intellectually—I mean musical meat. Yes, there's musical meat to be found in some Kesha songs. I imagined that song slower—way more epic. And it seemed like an okay idea. The way we do it live didn't quite turn out that way—it's not a huge production—but we still shook the song up a little bit.

Zach out.

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