I pondered the best way to communicate to you our progress in our recording adventures. The indisputable answer came to me almost immediately: infographic.
We're not yet ready to release the track list—we don't want to give too much away much too soon. But I can tell you that right now we're thinking it'll be 13 tracks. And here's where we are on it:
So there you have it. Seven completed drum tracks. Six to go, two of them already with scratch tracks.
Manning the console while Jono was recording yesterday, I had a crazy moment of realization. I've known Jono a long time, and I've seen him record several times, the last time was almost three years ago. You guys, Jono is crushing it out there. He's grown so much as a drummer, even since a couple years ago. Comparing him to High School Jono, it's like not even the same guy. I recognized as we were writing these songs that Jono's drum parts were tasty, but since we were all playing together, I wasn't really as available to appreciate what he was doing. Sitting back and watching him, and then hearing it later in mixing, has been a real pleasure, and I'm grateful that I finally get to do it. The same goes for Pippy—when we're playing together, I'm concentrating on my own part and I don't get to focus on what Pip's doing. I can only really tell if he tries something that sounds bad or doesn't really go with the song. Getting to hear his final bass parts has been so awesome. And I think the bass sound we're engineering for him is gonna knock your socks off. Deep and edgy. And I've barely mixed him, either.
I've done a couple of test mixes with test guitar mixed with final bass and drums for a couple of tracks. These are sounding way, way better than anything any Raygun fan has ever heard. I think you're gonna like this thing we're doing.
If all goes well, we'll finish tracking drums on the first week of June, bass the week after, guitar maybe a couple weeks after that, and vocals probably another couple weeks after that. We might be looking at releasing this sometime in August. I know, I know, it seems like foreverrrrrrrr, but that's just the way it is.
Til next time,
The Worst Engineer Ever/Guitarist, The Raygun
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